Saturday, March 23, 2019

Meet the Authors

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu. Aasiya here.I am so excited to start this journey with you all. My goal In Shaa Allah is to actively support, guide and inform converted sisters on their transition to Islam. I aim to always share accurate and authentic information, ensuring that sisters can easily access knowledge and with the goal of creating a long-term community In Shaa Allah. May Allah accept our efforts and intentions and bless our community. Ameen. Ma Sallamah sisters. 
A smiling, brown skinned, almond shaped face of a woman wearing a teal coloured hijab with bronze coloured glasses and a filter of butterflies stretching across her nose bridge and under both eyes.

- Aasiya 

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu. I am Ayesha Phillip-Quintero. I am very excited and happy to be part of this group. My commitment and aim is to inspire and motivate as many sisters as I possibly can on a regular basis. May Allah make it easy for us, help us to touch the lives of many and accept all of our efforts Ameen Ya Rabbil Allameen

Smiling, brown - skinned, chubby faced woman wearing a black hijab with clear framed glasses and a grey long sleeve t-shirt

-Ayesha 😊


 Assalaamu Alaikum! Welcome to Simply Muslim; an online platform for converted sisters to meet, connect and develop healthy relationships wi...